Excellent! Thank you for sharing. I’ve recently found most joy and insight reading books that expand my thinking rather than entertainment. Broadening my understanding of life, other concepts and humans in general is more rewarding than the distraction of fiction.

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My FAVORITE book this year is God 4.0 On The Nature of Higher Consciousness and the Experience Called “God” by Dr. Robert Ornstein and Sally Ornstein

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Ornstein introduced us in the 1960’s to the concept of left/right brain thinking. He was a pioneer in this field. https://robertornstein.com/

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Now that I just donated five boxes of books to my local library this list is super timely. Thanks for sharing it!

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Thanks for sharing. I thought I was starting the year well with my reading. I’m now rethinking the priority list. 😊

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Thanks for sharing! I just finished your book (Thinking again) and recommended to my VP and senior HR.

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Expand our minds… what a wonderful way to think about being intentional with what we read & feed our minds! Thanks Adam

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Thank you!

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Absolutely Fabulous

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What are your favorite books that have been self-published?

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You've read all these books ? I realize someone in your position gets early access but some of these books are not available for months.

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Thanks for sharing!!

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Wow! A great list. Putting the unread ones on my list

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This list is great, but I would love to see links to bookshop.org instead of Amazon!

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Awesome! I’m definitely going to pick up, “What’s Our Problem.”

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