Adam! It means so much that you included my book, The Connection Cure, on this list! It was inspired in part by a NYT op-ed you wrote on languishing, and a question that's been on my mind since the pandemic: why do so many of us not feel well? And what would it take for majorities of us to feel better?

I found an answer in social prescribing, and this book gets into the science, the stories and the spread of it around the world. I know your readers are big fans of big new ideas helping us all live healthier and more meaningful lives, and hope they find that in The Connection Cure!

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As a lifelong learner, I always look forward to your books, articles, quotes and book recommendations. Thanks for sharing!

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Great choices and a wonderful range!

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Adam- we love your reading lists.

I think i'll start with You Only Die Once.

Who's w me?

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You are the best! So inspiring and helping us to break paradigms

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Thank you for including my forthcoming book, Modern Friendship, on your reading list. What a thrill! We all deserve better friendships, and I hope my book inspires people to understand (and overcome!) the many challenges of maintaining these essential connections. To better friendships for all!!

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We're all trying to move forward, but sometimes, it can feel like we're falling behind. We gather all the strength and resources we can muster, but it may still not be enough. Occasionally, someone you've admired and revered from afar unexpectedly gives you a little extra push that moves your life forward in a big way. You did that for me today, Adam Grant, by including my new book, IRREPLACEABLE, on your summer reading list. I was completely surprised by this recognition, but thank you for reaching into my world and lifting me and my words up. As Ice Cube famously said, "Today was a good day."

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Thanks for the recommendations. Glad to see the memoir suggestions. What happened to the book club you mentioned many posts ago?

Enjoy your long weekend!

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Adam, thanks for including "Playing From the Rough" in your reading list. I'm grateful to be included among such accomplished authors.

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Sounds like an awesome read. Always ready to hear your opinion, Adam. Keeps me thinking, listening and learning.

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Ooo I hadn’t heard about AJ Jacobs’ Year of Living Constitutionally. Thank you.

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You are amazing Adam. Happy to have you in this universe!

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I just bought your calendar which will be out in July! Thanks for the tips and reading list? I enjoyed option B, and recommended it to several people who I thought could benefit! I applied it to a trauma event and processing how to choose a different path! For me, it wasn’t so much about a death but the idea of resilience from an ACE and how to reframe. The application took weeks or maybe a month or two to fully processed and integrate…. It worked!

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I always love your suggestions Adam, every wondered about starting to play tennis? I feel like you've got the perfect mental attitude for it.

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Great suggestions, thank you for sharing. I would suggest “Humanise” by architect Thomas Heatherwick, Johann Hari ‘Magic Pill’ about Ozempic & Andri Snaer Magnason “On Time & Water” ✨

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