Hey Adam! I have managed organizations AND I’ve read a great deal about leadership. And I have what would be the relevant educational education, meaning degrees, whatever…

Here’s what I’ve learned in life….

All organizations are comprised of 3 things: Power, Money & People- usually being prioritized it in that order. I don’t care where you work… it’s the same thing from where I’m standing.

But see, my education (the research piece) sometimes doesn’t match up with what I’ve learned through lived experience.

Those in POWER decide what research gets funded, distributed and supported.

Generation unfairness is a REAL thing. Many people who got there thirty/ forty years ago and hoarded POWER, often times without the same level of education hurt that path for those that followed INTENTIONALLY.

Power decides which PEOPLE get the MONEY.

Any researcher that is trying to pretend it’s all “in our heads right now” is just a corrupted individual- I don’t care if they have a PHD.

Universities can act just like churches. And Professors can be just as corrupt as malevolent clergy.

We have to stop acting as if research is truth and or God.

You must always look who is behind the research and why.

Be part of the solution Adam.

We need good people there.

Please people, critically think about what you are being told.

Does it match with your LIVED EXPERIENCE?

If not, it’s BS.

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Adam, the notion of re-examining one's assumptions & hypotheses you espouse in your book,

THINK TWICE, is totally consistent with my credo to TAKE 5, and stop, pause & think BEFORE you respond or act! Always GREAT advice!

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Thank you for the recommendations. I'll be busy for a while! On the point of self-efficacy, I've been wondering lately about people who do have a good record of overcoming obstacles but still don't believe in themselves because they minimize their accomplishments or simply see them as "life, no big deal." They do exist. I might be one of them.


Psychology could get messy. Self-efficacy doesn't seem to always or easily erase self-doubt even though it usually does or should.

I heard Jordan Peterson say to break things down to the smallest accomplishable task to overcome resistance and fear, to literally build on the smallest steps. But also, to make sure the right problem is identified first. Solving for the wrong thing doesn't motivate.

Your thoughts?

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Instead of diving and swimming we have become sweepers and skimmers at a very superficial level with the so called advancement of technology and science .

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Hi Adam

I do agree with the point you made on having a history of resilience that can oppress self-doubt and promote confidence in a person. What are your thoughts on Reversed Psychology and the impact it may have on an individual.

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Adam, I tried several times, all unsuccessful, to create a "Telegram" account. Perhaps we could communicate, old-school, via email or text.


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There’s a reason the root of the word confidence goes back to “trust.” To have self confidence (ie to trust yourself) is implicitly

to acknowledge that there is a choice—that we don’t inherently KNOW we are right, capable, etc. and yet we can work to choose to believe in ourselves over and over again.

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Fabulous ideas 💡

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TY Adam for all the insights you share with the world

Leah Georges is a millennial with the millennial message that is just beginning to be expressed.

Her proposal that we meet people in (as Nilofer Merchant termed…) their onlyness is precisely how millennials will lead now that they are going to move into management positions.

There is much that we can learn/see based on our modern generation theory (Neil Howe) that points to precisely the millennial message that Leah presents AND I agree that theories are formed around stereotypes, but we all lose when we see others as a stereotype. Great Ted talk!

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Adam, Thank you for sharing.

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Thanks Adam. Always good stuff. We appreciate your "no fluff" approach here.

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I fear my thoughts immediately fall to the exceptions; like a talented writer who is on the autism spectrum who only finds rejection because of their differences.

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