GRANTED: Who to call Dr. and my least favorite buzzword

December 2020
In his disgraceful case that a woman with a doctorate shouldn't be called Dr., the second-worst Epstein was unclear on some key points. I couldn't resist rewriting them to highlight what he really meant. You can read my take(down) on Instagram or LinkedIn.

Now, onto today's agenda: my responses to some of your questions from Wondering.
1. What is one work trend or buzzword that you would like the world to retire?
~Collen C., New Hope, Pennsylvania
I’d love to retire employee engagement and get leaders to focus instead on employee well-being. Here's why
2. Why is changing your Big 5 personality traits going to be the next big thing in self-help and commercialized interventions?
~Pauliina P., Helsinki, Finland
I hope it isn’t. This is the evidence that concerns me
3. What are your thoughts about the similarities in leadership and parenting?
~Jessica M., White River Junction, Vermont
I know of one skill that’s critical for both leaders and parents: tough love. Read more

Each month, I'll pick a few of your questions to answer on psychology, work, my work, and whatever else piques your curiosity. Submit here.
In solidarity,
Adam Grant, Ph.D.
Organizational psychologist at Wharton, author of THINK AGAIN, ORIGINALS, GIVE AND TAKE, and OPTION B, and host of WorkLife, a TED original podcast